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Re: Vacuum Advance

Hey There,

	Does anybody know how I could lessen the advannce on the vacuum
advance unit? On my 76 traveler the thing is advancing too much at
cruising speed and causing it to run a little rough and miss occasionly. I
was wondering if I could splice in a larger dia. hose between the carb and
distributer to lower the pressure. I would like to get some advance but
not as much (It's an after market dist.) Suggestions? Currently I've
unhooked and plugged it and manually advanced the distributer about 6-8

	And you guys wishing for the cold weather and nasty snow are sick,
sick, sick! It's been it the upper/mid 70's here in Tucson with blue skies
and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Unfortunately, with the weekend,
(and only time I have to tinker on my scout and other projects)
approaching it's supposedly going to rain. Of course I'm stuck in an
office when it's great out!

P.s. Hey Joel, Whats up with the club idea, haven't heard from you.

Cheers! it's quitin time! 

Mark A. Pepe			[email protected]		Tucson,Az


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