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Re: CB Radios

On Sun, 8 Feb 1998, zee wrote:

> Is there any info or recommendations I can get on CB's? I have the
> Cobra 148 but I have no range. My guess is the aerial and/or cable is
> faulty.

Have you tuned the antenna with an SWR meter?

> This weekend one truck had an amplifier on the CB and it was very
> impressive. Is this a good idea or are there any comments?

And also very illegal -- not that the FCC cares very much about CB these
days.  4 watts is the max. legal output for CB.  If you run a linear
amp, don't advertise it, and don't use it if anyone near you has a CB,
or you could fry their radio. 

Speaking of CB and range..  How about SSB?  You get 12 watts output, and
15 miles range is pretty routine.  A friend of mine got a Cherokee
AH-100 handheld AM/SSB radio recently.  It comes with an adapter that
hooks to your vehicle antenna and 12v, then attaches to the radio when
you're in your rig and you have an "all in the mic" radio.  When you
leave you can take it with you so it doesn't get stolen.  It can be
easily modified (jumper across 3 pairs of solder pads) for 400 channels
covering the entire 10 meter ham band.  The LCD displays both channel
and frequency.  I'm going to get myself one soon (this week probably),
and will be selling them for around $225.  Oh no, now I sound like the
Sportsman's Guide dude! :)

Daniel Youngquist / [email protected] / 541-688-9263 // VISA & MasterCard
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