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Fwd: [Fwd: Alert: National Road Closures]
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Subject: Alert: National Road Closures
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Folks, we are in serious trouble! Especially if we sit on our hands and
let this happen. If you love four wheelin', then
This should make things easier to understand.
This will cost United a bundle to fight. If you are not a member
of United, please consider joining to help with this fight and of course
donations are very welcome. You can down load a form from the Web Site and
use your Visa or Master card if you wish.
Keep watching for Alan Lane's alerts and updates.
Preston Stevens
[email protected]
United FWDA Director of Marketing
United FWDA Web Site (http://www.ufwda.org)
Middle Atlantic Four Wheel Drive Association
Baltimore 4 Wheelers, Inc., Conservation/Land Use Director
1979 CJ7 Jeep
Please read this! IT IS AN URGENT ISSUE.
The Forest Service is proposing
a major overhaul of the rules governing their road system. To
summarize, they are intent on eliminating many, many of the primitive
roads that we use to recreate. These primitive roads would be actively
removed and reclaimed and the resulting areas declared "roadless".
You all know what that means.
This is more or less the way that Mark Werkmeister stated it. It almost
over simplifies this issue. But, to go into any more detail would make
this an extremely long thread and none of you would read it. Read on
Also, is the issue of Clinton's proposed change in what is a Roadless
area. Right now it must be an area 5,000 acres or larger. He proposes to
reduce it to 1,000 acres. That would make it even easier to shut us down
and fast.
Please read all about this in the Forest Service's own words for
yourselves at:
This needs to be an absolute full court press, even much more
so than the one that
turned the RPA issue around several years ago. There, we stood to
lose over 6,000 miles of roads per year! As I previously stated, if
you have never been involved before, do it now! We need to take the
following message to our groups/clubs/friends/co-workers,etc:
"If you only write ONE letter this year to protect your rights to
recreate as we have been, this is the issue to send a letter on."
Do so by Feb. 27th.
Below is Mark's letter to the Forest Service. There you can get some
ideas on what to write. You need not sound like a lawyer. A hand
written letter is great, as long as it can be read. You can even call
your Congressmen, fax, or e-mail them. Write, fax, or e-mail the
Forest Service, don't call. Represent yourself as the concerned
citizen. Only have one person represent your club or association.
Otherwise, do not even mention your affiliations. Make your letters
count! This is extremely serious!
Save our roads!
Mark & Preston
February 6, 1998
Gerald Coughlan, Acting Director
Engineering Staff
USDA Forest Service
PO Box 96090
Washington, DC 20090-6090
Dear Mr. Coughlan:
After reading the advanced notice of proposed rule making concerning
the Forest Service's transportation system, I would like to register
my total disgust at this appalling proposal. The primitive roads in
the National Forests that the Forest Service proposes to eliminate (or
even refuses to acknowledge by referring to them as "ghost roads") are
absolutely integral to my recreational needs and the needs of millions
of Forest Service users. These Class II roads that comprise the bulk
of the Forest Service road system are heavily used by four wheelers,
motorcyclists, hunters, fishermen, cross-country skiers, bicyclists,
hikers, ATVers, fire fighters, search and rescue, and many, many other
user groups to access, use, and enjoy our National Forests. To
eliminate them, leaving only "safe and efficient" heavily traveled
roads would deprive millions of people their valid and existing form
of recreation.
I would also like to register my disapproval for decreasing the
requirements of a "roadless area" from 5,000 to 1,000 acres and even
include "areas of low density road development" in the proposed
interim rule. The 5,000 acre that was mandated under RARE II is
sufficient. The proposed rules are vague and ambiguous and I fully
expect the Regional Foresters to use this new rule as an excuse to
undertake new inventories of "roadless" areas and other administrative
actions that further deprive users access to our Forests.
Due to the huge impact on many of the Forest users, many of which
undoubtedly have not heard of or fully understood the impact of these
proposed rules, I strongly urge you to extend the comment period at
least an additional 60 days so that more Forest users may provide
input to the proposed changes.
I would like to remind the Forest Service that closing access on any
routes, ways, roads, etc. that existed and were used by the public
prior to1976 constitutes a violation of property rights that were
conferred to the public by RS2477. Any and all illegal closures will
be challenged in court by the wide range of public users who have
enjoyed these RS2477 rights of access for many years. Let me repeat,
the Forest Service definitions of a "road" have absolutely no bearing
on the validity of these existing rights that were conferred by
Congress and repeatedly upheld by the courts of this land.
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