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RE: [ihc] Re: Greasy Fingerprints in Service Manual

That's what I've done (clear plastic, 3-holed sheet protectors) with both
my service and parts manuals. I found mine cheap (practically free) at an
auction. I guess they might be pricey to buy new...  Anyway, it was a lot
of work, and they do end up more than 3 times the thickness, but they will
last forever now, and I don't have to worry about tears or smudges from use.
Regarding the extra thickness, you can either split them up and put them in
binders, or buy extensions to those screw posts they come with, and keep
them in their original covers. If you have something already huge, like the
CTS 2300, you pretty much have to split the sections.

I agree, though: a CD would be nice, and I'd buy one if it became available.
Then I would have one copy outside for working, and one inside for research
& planning. Unlikely, I guess so Oh Well...

You piqued my interest with the reference to Roger Welsch. I looked him up
on Amazon, and am even more interested now, but... too many choices! Do you
recommend a particular title to start out with?

Thanks, -John A.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of J.
M. Daugherty
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 10:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [ihc] Re: Greasy Fingerprints in Service Manual

>Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 23:21:57 -0600
>From: "T.R.E.Jr." <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: [ihc] Reverse Polarity (coil "Q")

>> I treasure my IH manual, but I don't use it often enough.
>- ---I try not to use* mine. It gets greasy that way. I seriously think
that J
>Glancy should make CDs for us manual owners. That way I can print out pages
>or wipe the keyboard down when I am done. I already have a few smudged
>corners in my manuals.

    My Scout came with a pre-smudged manual but I learned a trick from one
of Roger Welsch's books.  I don't remember which one, but it was one of his
tractor restoration/male-female relationship books.  Roger said that he
disassembled the service manual, placed the pages in clear plastic page
protectors and put them in a 3-ring binder.  I'm guessing the manual for his
beloved orange tractors is slightly thinnner than the one I have for my SII
because that would end up about 8 inches thick.  Although I haven't
completely followed his example, I have pulled out specific pages of
interest and placed them in the clear sleeves to refer to them while working
on my truck.  Although many listers do not have indoor workshops, he also
recommends building a shelf to hold the open manual at a comfortable height
so you have an excuse to stand upright every now and then.
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone,   J. Michael
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